Renovation of stairs and platform areas in a short time

A recent renovation of a staircase in a housing cooperative shows the great change when platforms and stairs are like new. 

If you are a resident in a housing cooperative or condominium, you may be familiar with the challenges that can arise when the stairwell in your building is undergoing renovation. You may encounter issues such as accessibility, noise, dust, and concerns about whether the contractor has everything in order in terms of quality, capacity, health, environment, and safety. Many of these challenges can be avoided if the housing cooperative chooses us for our sustainable rehabilitation of stairs and platforms.

We can perform rehabilitation on surfaces such as floor coverings, concrete, or terrazzo. The solutions vary based on the substrate of the stairs and platforms, but what remains consistent across all solutions is that the stairs will look brand new. Additionally, if you choose to have the walls and ceilings painted during the process, the result will be a stairwell that looks completely refreshed.

So, what do we do when rehabilitating concrete or floor coverings in stairs and platforms? We remove old floor wax and/or any other dirt that has accumulated on the surface over the years, cleaning it down to a "clean" floor. This means we reach the surface the floor was delivered with. Then, you have several options; if desired, we can apply color to create a completely new and modern look based on your preferences. Afterwards, a glossy polyurethane (PUR) is applied, creating a strong, pore-tight surface. If the concrete and floor coverings are in good condition but just worn in color, we can clean and only apply PUR. Terrazzo can also be rehabilitated; we clean the terrazzo to make it look almost new in both color and appearance, then apply PUR to seal the surface. This ensures it stays beautiful for many years to come and is significantly easier to maintain.


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Your renewed stairwell now has a fresh, clean appearance that is easy for cleaners to maintain. It's also economically beneficial since maintenance intervals are significantly longer when you've used Dr. Schutz PUR.

By avoiding costly construction work, housing cooperatives can save time and money, while also providing residents with an improved and safer experience.

A new surface that lasts with minimal environmental impact.

Our solution has been tested and guaranteed to have a lifespan of up to 3 times longer than other PUR solutions on the market, naturally reducing the need for frequent renovations. Longevity is not just a cost-saving measure; it's a direct contribution to a more circular economy, where we extend the lifespan of our products and reduce our footprint on the environment.


  • Trapper før
  • Trapper etter -1

På bildet under ser du at det nederste trinnet er renset og klart for påføring av PUR. Dette er så rent som terrasso blir etter en rens, og når man i tillegg overflatebehandler har man en vakker trapp i mange år fremover. 

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